Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kitty Parties

Continuation of a passion is indeed time consuming and also needs extra bit of resources in terms of generating new stories. I am referring to my passion of blogging and I realized last month my blog counter was just one.

I can attribute it to two reasons was busy at home and hence couldn’t devote the time and the second being I was running out of ideas.

Like an investigative journalist I looked around and stumbled upon this topic.

By definition kitties are meant for women from all walks of life who get together at a common place once a month and often it does involve old system of a monthly draw where the winner takes the kitty (money saved – where each member contributes a fixed amount to the kitty and one winner takes it all once a month, or week subject to the quantum of people)

It is important though to note this group of people have exhibit DNA of trust - something very critical for any bank They trust in each other and save money – they even have a treasurer, they have their own entertainment expenses and also they seek avenues to detox themselves.

I believe the corporate world should pick a lesson or two from this. The women here speak their heart and there is no protocols involved, there is always an open channel of communication and they are transparent in their communication.

Blings exist but this can be perceived as special promotion in a corporate life. They wish to showcase their and their spouse’s success and they also are a useful network for marketers who spend millions to get their buy in. One endorsement from one of the women on a specific product or service and the rest follow suit.

These women are quite articulate and also they are even successful entrepreneurs. Enterprism the
Art of creating opportunities and developing them is high on their radar.

It is a myth that women form opinions and they refuse to accept logical facts. They are shrewd when it comes to professional / personal associations and I had an opportunity of working with a women entrepreneur who had her own successful advertising agency in Dubai.

She was intelligent, very shrewd had strong business acumen, good at delegating and developing some successful advertising campaigns. She still handles some big brands communication needs

Often it was frustrating working as some times in a client meeting the topics suddenly divert but I believe this is a very good management technique of handling difficult clients. To gain faith and trust you need to open up the channels of communication (or say the Johari Window*)

Most of the today’s management issues revolve around interpersonal communication and the best technique is to adopt the kitty style – network, meet once a month in a non work environment and open up. It does help

( * Johari Window - Johari window is a cognitive psychological tool created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 in the United States, used to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. It is used primarily in self-help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic exercise.)

1 comment:

  1. who could have thought that there could possibly be a connection between the ladies kitty party and the corporate world....except of course, the innovative n enterprising mr vemuri himself...:)
    great job done...!

    just one question:
    aap kahan se sneak in ho gaye in a women's only kitty party...?
    hehe...great reading piece, banker:)
