Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ideal Work Place

A close friend and a critique went for an interview and was referring to an interviewers question about her ideal work place. Considering that I have worked in advertising agencies to more serious corporates (banks), thought it is a good idea to carry it on.

There are many metaphors for workplace. My first work place was like a family – very well connected - and still connected through Facebook

Most of the creative agencies are like college days. Optimistic, full of life, and no back pack egos – unlike the corporate world

My previous bank was more like a strategic design unit in an automobile manufacturing company where every individual is well oiled (informed), thorough in their field and people worked together in sync to perform their tasks. It is one of the best in the country even till date and it is synonymous for product innovation in UAE. It has many firsts to its credit

An ideal work place is the one which
• Allows innovation and is believed from top down
• Inspires people to bring the best
• Supports and promotes camaraderie at work
• Snubs nepotism

I am lucky to have worked in one in my earlier stints and positive best brands roll out from the best work places as, it is the people who create a brand from their positivity and the environment.

1 comment:

  1. hmm..nice and ideal-ic...great to see you see the silver lining even in the black clouds...
    keep up the spirit:)
